Thursday, July 26, 2012

Summer Shows Are HOT!

ACB 2012 Convention
IRIE-AT was pleased to attend NFB and ACB this year. Both shows proved to be a success with high interest in the latest products that IRIE has to offer, such as the new V4 Index Braille Embossers, the ALVA Braille Display series and the Kapten Mobility GPS device.

First time attendee and IRIE-AT Product Manager, Alex Axelsson, was pleasantly surprised by the quality exhibits and sessions the conferences had to offer. Though the shows differed in attendee type, each delivered a variety of products and presenters and this made for a very busy booth!

NFB 2012 Convention
"Attending NFB and ACB for the first time was a lot of fun. I met a lot of people from all walks of life, and they were very excited about our products. I truly believe we are offering product solutions that improve everyday life through braille access and reliable GPS devices, and attendees seemed to appreciate the technology. It’s a small industry and it was great to meet so many end users and see them interact with our products. We like to meet all potential clients, from teachers to decision makers, but it’s rare to get so many personal meetings with actual with end users. I am looking forward to going back next year", said Axelsson.

The high interest, particularly in the ALVA Braille Displays, prompted Optelec and IRIE-AT to offer a temporary price decrease on the ALVA BC640 and ALVA BC640 with Feature Pack, allowing customers to get a great deal on a high-end product before the school year starts.

Representatives are now busy following up with interested parties, but this is a welcomed task. IRIE-AT's next stop is the Blind Veterans Association conference in Galvestin, Texas where we hope the product heat wave continues!

 Your Friends at IRIE-AT

IRIE AT Respect Abilities

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